Plumbing Web
Connection Guest Column
Call Tracking and Kale are Packed Full of Benefits.
By Ross Wingo - Content marketer at
Century Interactive
you eat kale? Do you eat it because your mom told you to?
Did she convince you that it's versatility makes it work
great for all sorts of dishes? Did she enlighten you on how
it’s packed with nutrients (seriously, we’re talking fiber,
calcium, potassium, vitamin E, iron and omega-3 fatty acids,
among other good things)?
No, you probably tried kale because your wife or husband,
girlfriend or boyfriend insisted. Or, maybe your buddy
talked up a decent kale salad from that restaurant down the
street. Maybe you gave some Bobbly Flay recipe a whirl that
called for the stuff.
Although our moms are sages and tend to have the best advice
in the world (love ya mom!), we often don’t listen. We nod
and say, “yes, OK,” but the advice goes in one ear and out
the other. Ultimately, it’s strange, but we tend to take the
advice of others before own mother’s. Why is that?
Basically, we’re stubborn. We exited the womb many years ago
and have been fighting for independence ever since. We need
to figure things out for ourselves. We need the opinion of a
non-parent or authoritative family figure in order to pay
We recently ran across a blog post from Business 2 Community
that talked about call tracking. In the post, Business 2
Community ranks various major industries that could benefit
from call tracking analytics.
Guess what? Home services is at the very the top of the
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Business 2 Community
asserts that home services businesses “must” track their
phone calls. They must do so in order to gain vital,
customer conversion insight. Essentially, the kind of
insight to make smarter marketing and customer service
Quality call tracking and web conversion analytics should
reveal what advertisements are leading to calls, what
keywords are being used in Google queries to locate a
business and how a business’ employees are handling phone
Business 2 Community highlights how going from internet
search to phone call is a “common conversion path for these
types of [home services] requests.”
The article also says, “if you’re entrusting a person to
come to your home to fulfill a service request, there’s
planning involved that is most efficiently done over the
We’re not sure if a home services business benefits from
call tracking any more than say, an automotive dealership.
However, we’ve seen how businesses in both industries can
indeed make massive improvements to handling leads and
converting customers.
Just like with kale, you had to hear about the benefits of
call tracking from someone else. And just like your mom, we
hope the advice sticks.
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