Plumbing News
Fernco celebrates opening of new
manufacturing and distribution center.
Fernco, Inc celebrated a grand
opening for a new manufacturing and distribution facility located in
Davison, Mich. The event was attended by employees and companies who
have impacted Fernco’s success The grand opening celebration was an
event intended to help familiarize employees and the community with
the location, function and layout of the new facility.
As a family business, Fernco has emphasized pride in workmanship and
job accomplishment with their employees. With more than 300 people
in attendance, the Fernco Family was supportive of the expansion and
is looking forward to future opportunities. “This new facility is a
tribute to our employees, customers and factory representative’s
hard work and dedication to excellence over the past fifty-one
years,” said Mark Cooper, president of Fernco. Story continues below
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Established in 1964, Fernco
has become the synonymous global leader for flexible
couplings, plumbing products and drainage solutions. Moving
to Davison in 1977, throughout the years it became apparent
that the company was growing fast and would need additional
space to meet market demand. Located a mile from current
facility, the new 150,000 sq. ft. manufacturing and
distribution center will allow Fernco to focus on additional
product development and continue delivering exceptional
customer service.
Proudly investing and manufacturing in Davison, Mich., the
company has continued to support both local and national
businesses. All elements of the building were manufactured
in the U.S. Continuing Fernco’s commitment to the
environment, the new facility will only use 50% of the
electrical power, even though it is 2.5 times larger than
the current facility.
In addition, Fernco purchased state-of-the-art electric
injection machines to reduce cycle times and energy usage.
“The facility, along with new technology and our highly
skilled workforce will allow us to continually improve our
service capabilities and position us for growth for the next
fifty years,” Cooper says. The new facility is planned to be
fully operational by April 2016.
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